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When it comes to low-voltage and data-communications, IDEAL is leading the way. We offer a full line of tools and testers, plus training and expert customer support. Highlighting our lineup is the FT-45 Crimping Tool and modular plugs which provide a simple and amazing accurate connection every time.


51 Items
Cat6 Feed-Thru Modular Plug on Cable with Leads
SKU cat6-ftmodplug
CAT6 Feed-Thru Modular Plugs

Feed-Thru design simplifies connector to cable assembly. Flush cut of excess conductors minimizes inadvertent contact outside of the plug.

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CAT5e Feed-Thru Modular Plug on Cable with Leads
SKU cat5e-ftmodplug
CAT5e Feed-Thru Modular Plugs

Feed-Thru design simplifies connector to cable assembly. Flush cut of excess conductors minimizes inadvertent contact outside of the plug.

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