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  • Colour: Yellow
  • Maximum Temperature (C): 75°C
  • Maximum Wire Gauge: 12 AWG
  • Stud Size: #6
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Wire Connectors

Wire Connectors

IDEAL has a connector that’s right for every job. We've been supplying electricians with top-quality, reliable electrical connectors since 1924, including Canada's best wire connector, Can-Twist™.

Our complete line includes twist-on, push-in, grounding, crimp, and tap wire connectors, among others. We also manufacture low-voltage datacom connectors for twisted pair and coax - such as our feed-thru RJ45 connectors. The IDEAL line is designed to provide safe, dependable solutions for every application. Whether it’s commercial, residential, or industrial, IDEAL has the connector that’s right for every job.

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